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Welcome to DSW Galleries LLC

The Voyager spacecraft were launched when I was just three years old. I was captivated by the images of Jupiter and Saturn that distant spacecraft captured and transmitted for the first time ever. I knew was going to be an astronaut. My parents brought home a personal computer and I wrote my first BASIC program. Things changed. I didn't become an astronaut. I was a computer programmer. A classic coder.

In 2020 I was laughing at the outrageous ads in a spam mail I received when I came across the photograph of what looked like a white suitcase next to a series of space photographs (nebulae and galaxies). That suitcase was an "automated observation station." The ad said I could just set it down in a field, turn on my phone, and within minutes take photos of galaxies or view live video feeds of the moon or even planets.

Suddenly, my wallet felt a bit lighter.

Jeremy next to a telescope
My portable automated observation station

Stellina helped kickstart my interest in astrophotography, but it also stoked a curiosity that pulled me in deeper. Stellina offered the option of dumping its raw image files onto a thumb drive, and I quickly learned I was able to produce far superior images by hand-culling the clearest, most in-focus photographs that would get "stacked" and then processed.

I managed to pull off some recognizable shots of nebulae, like this one.

The silhouette of a horse's head
The Horsehead Nebula, Stellina Version

I realized that as easy as Stellina was to operate, it is a single lens, single sensor system meaning I only had one option for my field of view or magnification. I opted to go with a more modern, albeit less automated, system. This telescope was bigger and took an hour to setup compared to minutes.

Jeremy standing next to a large telescope.
Celestron EdgeHD 9.25" telescope and me

Despite the extra effort, the payoff was substantial with a much better image quality to work with.

The silhouette of a horse's head
Horsehead Nebula with Celestron

I even was able to achieve my childhood dream of visiting Saturn.

Put a Ring on It

Astrophotography taught me how to use my camera, and I began photographing objects closer to home like mountain ranges and Oregon waves. When I moved to the coast in September 2023, I began capturing photographs from the roof of my garage. I shared these images to social media and a very kind and supportive community celebrated them. The two most commonly asked questions I receive from individuals I meet are:

  • Why don't you have an exhibition?

  • Have you ever considered teaching classes?

Those are great questions! I'm working on an exhibition. I previously exhibited for several months in Duvall, WA. Last year, I submitted a piece that was nominated as a finalist in the natural photography category of our annual employee art exhibition. The piece I submitted a 8" x 12" metal print of the Whirlpool Galaxy.

A spiral galaxy
M51: The Whirpool Galaxy

I created DSW Galleries LLC to plug into local events and work with local galleries to display the art I create that is made of and from the Oregon Coast.

With new equipment and clear skies, I was able to capture some of my most stunning space images ever right here in Newport. That includes this string of nebulae that make up the Orion's "sword":

Da Sword

As well as this image of the crescent moon.

Crescent moon
The Thin Crescent Line

I prefer to produce my work on metal. The moon picture was so detailed, I was able to create a 3' tall piece without distortion. Here it is hanging on our wall next to a 20" x 24" framed fine art print and the 8" x 10" matte print of Orion' sword on metal.

Several prints on a wall
My home gallery

Astrophotography for me is a relaxing, soothing hobby that draws me to remote locations late at night to exhale in awe at the beauty of the night sky. I process every image with the goal of reproducing the stunning beauty of the subjects I see while evoking the same gasp of astonishment I uttered when I first saw the Cygnus Loop or the North America Nebula. I look forward to sharing these moments with the Newport community through my art, through events like star parties where I set up my telescopes and let you look through and/or control them, and I hope one day to teach classes as well.

Thank you for the warm welcome, Newport. Check out the website and if you are interested in anything, let me know. You can find my email, phone number, or reach out via a form on our contact page.


DSW Galleries LLC



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